1 year of blogging

It’s hard to believe that a year has passed since I decided to open up this little website on a small corner of the Internet universe. A lot has changed and the blog has evolved in unexpected ways. There’s much I’m grateful for and I wanted to dedicate this post to thank you all and tell you the things I’ve learned by being part of this community!


The book community is teeming with important discussions every single day. Despite some people labeling some of them as ‘drama’, I’m not one to belittle them. The ongoing conversations on diversity and representation have strengthened my awareness and critical eye on those issues.  They have also lead me towards new paths and made me discover new literature and authors—always a plus for a reader hungry for new stories about different people, cultures, and places.

I’ve also learned a little more about the publishing industry in general, about what truly makes a reader, how each of us enjoy reading in different ways, and so much more. Each comment, review, or post here or on other blogs have taught me something new.


I’m truly thankful for the authors who have trusted me with their books for reviewing, and for everyone who dedicates a little of their time to this blog, leaving comments and taking their time to read and respond to the content I put out. Nothing means more to me than to share it all with awesome people like you. That’s why I wanted to say THANK YOU.

When someone reads a book I recommend, trusts my reviews, or discuss with me how they disagree with me on a rating, I understand why I keep blogging. It has changed the way I read for the better.

Though my blogging schedule is a mess, I’m still here and I hope to keep sharing all my bookish thoughts with you! So, here’s for another year filled with more chapter adventures 😉 

31 thoughts on “1 year of blogging

  1. Oh, Esher, Happy blogiversary! :’D
    It’s amazing, isn’t it? Thinking how it’s been a year since you opened your blog (:
    I’m so happy for you! And I hope for many years of Chapter Adventures to come ^__^


  2. Congratulations on your one year blogiversary! That’s awesome!

    I’m new to blogging and book reviewing, and am very impressed by your blog. I was wondering if you had any tips for newbie bloggers and book reviewers.

    If you have the time, please check out my blog @breenysbooks. I’d love any feedback. Have a wonderful day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Breeny. I truly appreciate your comment.
      As for tips, I cannot recommend Lauren’s post enough. She says so many useful things in her “newbie 2 newbie” post. I have written some posts regarding ARCs, blogging stress, and rating issues, so if those topics interest you, check those out. But, if you have a specific question in mind, please don’t doubt it and write to my e-mail (chapteradventures@gmail.com). I can get too excited and write the longest answers, so you might regret it haha. Joking aside, if you need any help, please let me know!
      I checked your blog and you are doing great 😀 I think you have a focus: writing posts, and reviews. You know what you want to talk about, that’s really good! I also noticed that you have your policy review up, you’ve clarified your rating system, and you have put your contact info there, along with a review index. That’s organization and I’m a fan of that. What I think is missing is my favorite widget on the side bar: previous posts you’ve written. You want people to read all your posts and don’t let them be forgotten. Be sure to make them available for readers no matter when they reach your blog. This could mean adding your popular posts list on the side or even one of those tag clouds that helps people find posts related to a topic. Another thing that I would suggest is consider giving the blog a more personal look, meaning a design of your own. Add a header (which you can create on Canva.com) or graphics of your own. It will make it more YOU, you know?
      Keep on going, you are doing great!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ahhh, happy 1st blogiversary Esther 🎉🎉 A year is such an exciting milestone to reach. I’m so glad I started blogging for all the reasons you mentioned. I’ve learnt SO much and met a bunch of wonderful people. I’m really glad we managed to meet each other because you’re honestly one of my favourite blogs (and people) ♥♥!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lauren!! Thank you so much. Your message just made my day ❤ Even though I have not been able to actually blog much lately, just getting to keep in touch with bloggers through comments and social media has meant a lot. I truly appreciate all your support since I started and I must say once again that YOU are one of my faves because you're kind, unique, passionate, and honest. So here's for many years of sharing online 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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