Book Traveling Thursdays: One of my favorite reads of the year

Every week, Danielle (from Danielle’s Book Blog) and Cátia (from TheGirlWhoReadTooMuch) host a feature called Book Traveling Thursdays on Goodreads. They give you a topic each Thursday and you choose a book that you think fits. Then comes the fun part: a cover showdown! You post the original cover, the cover from your country (which I won’t be doing because the books aren’t published here), and then your favorite and least favorite cover from any edition around the world.

This week’s topic is one of my favorite books of 2016. I chose The Key by Sara Bergmark Elfgren and Mats Strandberg, which is the third book of the Engelsfors trilogy. I read it this year, but it was published in 2013. The series didn’t get a strong start for me, but each book got better and, in the end, I didn’t want to part from the characters! The trilogy deals with a group of very different girls who have to come together as witches and fight evil in a little town in Sweden called Engelsfors. Now, let’s check out the covers!




This is the original Swedish edition. I love the covers for this trilogy so much! They all follow the same concept, but the illustration changes in each book to represent the plot. This one shows how high the stakes are for the characters and you can’t help but wonder who might be the one that ends up like that in the story or if it’s just symbolism.




I’m going with the US edition as my favorite because it adds a little blue to the background. All the US editions have a different hue, so it’s a bit easier to recognize each book of the trilogy.



29343782  24564651  22747683

From left to right: Latvian, Estonian, and American (I’m not sure). Can you see what they have in common? I. don’t. like. people. on. covers.

How about you? Tell me which was one of your favorite reads of the year!

13 thoughts on “Book Traveling Thursdays: One of my favorite reads of the year

  1. I like the original and the US covers the best, and I see why you like the US cover better since it helps differentiate the covers. As I looked up the rest of the series on Goodreads, I see that the center image changes, but I would have a hard time remembering which image went with each book. I’m interested in starting the series.

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    1. Yeah, they all look too similar in the original colors, so the US versions for the win! I hope you read it and enjoy it 😀 I’ve reviewed the three books separately without spoilers, so you can check them if you want to know more, but I can tell you here that I really loved the trilogy despite its slow start.

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